Happy Valentine's Day!
Whether you're single, dating, engaged or married I believe today is a day we can all celebrate because of JESUS and the love He has lavished upon all of us by calling us "His own" (1 John 3:1). Did you know Jesus has lavished His love upon you? As I look back on my life, the times when I was single, dating, engaged and now married, I can honestly say that when I let Jesus be who He is to me fully in each season, I was just as satisfied in every season. When I was dating Clayton, just because I had a boyfriend, that didn't mean I was fulfilled. And just because I had a fiancé, didn't mean my life could now begin. And just because I have a husband now, doesn't mean I don't still need Jesus just as much in every minute, every hour, and every moment. I think as single women, it's easy to think if I were just married my life would be easier and I would feel more satisfied and although I will be the first person in line to believe with you that God is going to bring you your husband, I'll also be the first person to joyfully tell you that you can live JUST as fulfilled and satisfied RIGHT NOW.
The truth is, as much as I love Clayton with my whole heart, he cannot truly satisfy me. He can love me, he can lead me, and he can remind me where my satisfaction truly comes from, but he cannot be that and he was not meant to be. True satisfaction, fulfillment, and contentment came when I let Jesus be who He really is in my life. And today, no matter what your relational "status" is, that is my prayer for you... because His love is real and it's available to you RIGHT. NOW.
If this is something you're currently walking through, message me on Instagram @heylaneyrene. I would love to know and be praying for you to feel and know the realness of his love for you